the birthday treats!i woke to a 5:30 am wake up call, courtesy of thing 4. usually the dad takes that call but he had returned thing 3 to her bed just a couple hours before and fell asleep hanging off the edge of her bed. i had full intentions of passing the boy off to the dad so i could get just a little bit more sleep, but, when i saw him curled up under one of thing 3's half sized blankets i just couldn't wake him. so, i took the kid and conceded to the fact that
i was up.
we headed to the kitchen where thing 4 sat cooing in his swing while i baked some banana bread. -we had some over ripe bananas and the day before i had thought of one of our old neighbors and decided we needed to visit them. then later that same day thing 2 started asking about them and asked if we could go see them. so, i decided we needed to visit them. i was baking bread so i had some kind of offering.
while the bread baked, thing 4 and i snuggled on the couch and greeted the rest of the family as they slowly woke. soon everyone was curled up in the living room waiting for the bread to be ready. while we waited the dad organized everyone in a round of happy birthday.
it was my birthday!
once the bread was done we inhaled 1 of the loaves-quickly!
nothing like banana bread right out of the oven!
the dad headed off to work
i passed thing 4 off to the boys, told them they could watch a show,
i just needed to rest.
i headed upstairs, the dad had made our bed (very nice of him) so i crawled into thing 1's bed. (very comfy i must say!) just as i was dozing off into that feel good sleep, the phone rang! i'm not surprised. it always does. i let the answering machine get it. it was the dad. somehow he always calls just as i'm about to take a little nap. it's pretty much a never fail thing. he was calling to tell me that our blockbuster is shut down!-interesting. before i could get back to that feel good off to sleep state, thing 4 started howling. he was hungry. i fed him and unexpectedly, he fell asleep so, i carried him up and snuggled into thing 1's bed with him. we snoozed. i'm not sure how long. but soon we got up and got dressed and headed off with our loaf of bread to visit our old neighbor.
on our way there we were surprised by my friend passing us. we quickly pulled over to see why she was headed our direction.
she was coming with birthday treats!
i had forgotten it was my birthday.
we visited on the side of the road. her boy was howling, he wanted out. my kids were running across the road to see him.
it was a nice surprise.
we visited our old neighbor. i'm still not sure why we needed to visit them. i thought maybe the reason they were on our minds would be apparent when we got there, but it wasn't. life seemed to be normal there. it was a nice visit.
we then went grocery shopping.-yup, my fridge was empty!
when we got home i fed thing 4 and put him down for another nap. i laid down on the couch to read. i didn't get more than 2 pages read before my eyes were shut.
i talked to my friend on the phone.
when i got off with her i realized i needed to feed the boys. i fed the boys and hurried them out the door to practice.
(the neighbor was driving them)
as they walked out, the dad walked in. i told him and thing 3 to hurry and eat their dinner so we could sneak out and get an ice cream while the boys were gone.
we hurried out to one of our favorite spots-we LOVE ice cream so we have many favorites! as we were leaving the dad realized he couldn't find a set of his keys. this is something that drives him crazy and if he didn't figure out where they were he would be up at 3am and off to work to find them. so instead of going through that, we drove down to his office (after ice cream, of course) and found his keys. they were right there, on his desk. not dropped in the driveway getting run over as he had feared!
we got home just a couple minutes before the boys walked in.
before they could even get their cleats off the neighbor kids were at the door. they have been playing ghost just about every night.
so out they went.
i put thing 4 to bed while watching tru tv-our new favorite channel.
called the kids in at about 9:30 for bed and the dad and i followed soon after-
very soon after.
i am now 34!