Friday, October 12, 2007


Your baby is now 5/8 of an inch long, about the size of a kidney bean. New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. His arms have lengthened, too, and his hands are now flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart. His knee joints have formed, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways.

so, this is kind of where i have been-stuck to the couch feeling yucky!!! i'm in my 8th week now. i discovered this about 3 weeks ago when the nausea set in. it was planned but right now it hasn't been very exciting! as i start feeling better i'm sure i will feel happy about it. i apologize for my complaining to those of you who get really sick and throw up and all of that. i know i could be much worse but for me this is the worst one yet. with my other 3 i've only felt nauseous until i ate-this one is constant and draining. anyway, we are preparing for thing 4. i'm due in may(spring baby-just what i wanted). the things are excited-but they don't like our name choices! i told them they could call the baby whatever they want. they want to name it after their favorite cartoon characters.

now you know where i've been! i think i'm a bit on the upswing of things-i hope! so i'll be around more.


Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Congrats on thing 4...very exciting. I've heard once you have 3 it's all gravy. I'm not sure that I'll be able to get to 4. Good luck with the nausea thing- NO FUN!

Cecily R said...

YAY! Congratulations!

I had the same e-mails sent to me every week with Evie and I loved it. My kids did too, and every Sunday (when mine came)we'd crowd around the computer to see what the baby looked like now.

Isn't it amazing how much someone that is only 5/8 of an inch can change your life?!

Cecily R said...

Oh, and May is a GREAT time to have a baby! My other two were in the winter, and this was such a welcome change since I didn't have to deal with RSV or freezing temps.

Lacie said...

CONGRATS!!!! You are the second sweet person that I have read their blog today to find out they are going to have a new arrival in the spring!!!!

I am so happy for you and your family!!! Keep us updated!!!

Michelle said...

That is SO exciting!! Sorry to hear you haven't felt well. The first tri. is the worst! Hope you start feeling like yourself soon. I was wondering where you had been off to for so long.

Your kids remind me of mine. When I was prego's with my third they wanted to name him Darth Vader or Sponge Bob. Too funny!

Traci said...

Yeah!!! The first to day- Congratulations to you and your family! Sure hope you start feeling better soon. I really don't know how to relate to the whole sickness while pregnant, because I must of been blessed with good genes- I have never had morning sickness!
I am so excited for you!! Are you going to find out what you are having? My b-day is in May. It's a great month for a birthday if I do say so myself!
Hang in there!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! Hang in there. I remember trying to help my parents pick out names for my youngest brother. I'm so glad they didn't take my suggestions now. The kids thought Steel would be a really cool name. Doesn't really go with Sarah, Paul, Tom, and Noah. They went with Mark.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!! We are so excited to see what little Thing 4 will look like. May really is a great time. This will be great, as they all get older, our little one will have lots of fun with thing 3 & 4! Hope you feel better soon!

Rochelleht said...

WOW! Congratulations! How exciting!!!!

crystal said...

Oh, fun! Congrats to you! I love how you call them "Thing 1, 2, & 3." Hope your yuckies go away soon.

Anonymous said...

Yea... I remember when I had my fourth... I was pucking up a storm... but trust me... the 5th, 6th and 7th are much easier. ( c : Well... CONGRATS!!!.. A new babe in the fam just in time to welcome Brit home.. ( c : well... around there anyways... cus she's not sure if she'll be home in april or may..

jessica said...

Congratulations! Spring babies are the best!! I have on in April and one in May and if we have another, I think we will go for the spring again. It really is the best time to have a baby!

Megan said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. I hope you are not sick for long!

Anonymous said...
