Wednesday, March 18, 2009

he said it looked fun...

so we let him have a turn.

why do we have a large dirt patch in our front yard?


our septic caved in back in november!

we came home from our thanksgiving visit to find this in our front yard!
then they tore up our front yard to replace it!
so now the dad has to start over on his lawn.
the lawn he had worked so hard on.
the lawn that he had weeded literally on his hands and knees!
that lawn is now a large patch of dirt!


Traci said...

what a bummer! those darn septic's!
hopefully it will be back to a norm patch of yard soon with spring on its way!

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

Darn...that stinks. I love that the kids thought helping out looked like fun...I remember when dad got a new lawn mower and us kids & all the neighbor kids took turns mowing the lawn because it "looked like fun!"

Hedda said...

Ouch... I didn't know that happened... well... at least it happened while u were gone... n not while one of the munchkins was running over it... that woulda stuck... in more way then one.. ( c :