Sunday, July 27, 2008

tasty little burger

i've come to really enjoy my burger! we are lucky and able to eat good beef on a regular basis. the dads father and brothers are in the kobe style beef business and we have benefited from their work. his parents always bring us a large supply of our favorite cuts when they come and his brother sent him a large shipment on his birthday. you haven't had a burger till you've had it kobe style! it truly is yummy!

recently i ate at a fudruckers, good burgers, but i decided that the best burger would be a kobe style burger on a fudrucker bun! have you ever had those yummy buns? fresh baked, soft and fluffy! that would be the burger!

i hope you're eating something yummy!


LaughAtMe-Laurel said...


We were actually just talking with our friends about the Kobe steaks we had with you guys on our PA bike trip...camping and eating Kobe steaks...that's the life!

laina kay said...

I'm hungry and that burger looks yummmmm!