Tuesday, July 29, 2008

my heart is broken

i lost the fight! my boys have been begging for shaved heads for sooo long now. i've always told them no!! saturday night thing 2 asked one more time and i finally said, "if dad wants to do it!" yippee, and off to the bathroom he ran!

his beautiful hair is gone. those adorable little curls that flipped up around the ears are no more!


did you expect any differently! one look at thing 2's new doo and he had his head hanging over the sink and was hollaring at his dad to hurry up!

they love their new cuts-they can't keep their hands off. the next day during primary they just kept petting their heads.

as for me, i look forward to their hair growing back.

the next morning the dad asked thing 3 if she wanted her hair cut, she reached up, looked at dad like he was crazy, smoothed her long locks of hair and said...

"no, then my hair won't be beautiful"
with a definite tone of duh!


laina kay said...

Wow, no more beach boys? Thank goodness Thing 3 didn't want to join the pack!

laina kay said...

Oh, I've been meaning forever to put Clumsy on my playlist. So catchy.

JoAnna Anderson said...

Way to put it out there for your boys! They will remember this forever I am sure. There hair was adorable, but they are cute anyways!

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

LOL! I love thing 3's reaction! Bryce is always asking The Snack if he wants his head shaved...fortunately for now Snack says "NO!" because haircuts are still like torture to him. But one of these days he'll agree...and I suppose I'll just have to deal with it.