Thursday, September 23, 2010

visit to the boise zoo-still playing summer catch-up

while we were in boise, of course we visited the zoo.  we took our traditional picture in the nest.  notice the handsome boy standing next to thing 3.  he's her cousin, it was love at first sight for her.  she told me she loves him and is going to marry him.  she thinks he is handsome and she likes his clothes (she likes clothes).  she flirted with him too.  i had never seen this side of her but she was looking for his attention!
she also fell in love with this badger. 
badgers are usually very aggressive but this one loves people. 
 in fact, the zoo staff say that when they have put her in enclosures with other badgers, the other badgers have all turned up missing...
but she loves to go for walks and be with people. 
funny little girl!
cute huh?!


Traci said...

cute story about your daughter, its a keeper!
the badger is cute!
i heart zoos!!!

laina kay said...

Ah, a little flirt in love with her cousin... we have one of those, too!

Sorry, no badger love from me. I dunno... looks like a big ferret?

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

I'm still playing summer catch up too! But you're doing better than least this post was in September, I'm just getting to it October! Anyway, I saw Thing 3 sitting next to that Badger and I thought you were crazy. I'm like, "aren't those things dangerous!?" But I guess it's ok. She's brave...and so are you! :)