Saturday, July 25, 2009

morning hikes

we took a little hike the other morning.
we got eaten alive by mosquitoes

we hiked to the look-out tower. the views were beautiful-the height...a bit frightening(for me at least)

our nature/science boy found dozens of these orange lizards that somehow made their way home with us. (don't worry, they have been released back into the wild)
and our little beauty, of course, found pretty flowers-she's always looking for beautiful things.


Traci said...

we love to take hikes as well! sounds like are tykes are the same in finding the same things!
oh and hate those pesty mosquitoes!

Alissa Nicolau said...

Sounds like a great way to spend the morning!

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

We try to get out hiking as much as possible too, except here in Texas we gotta go at the brink of dawn, or when it's raining (see upcoming post) to tolerate being outside! And we don't have views like those! Wow :)