Wednesday, February 11, 2009


i am feeling a bit irritated with a few of my favorite shows.

did i ever get it?-i don't think so,
but this season i really don't get it.
to the point of completely annoyed.
nothing is making sense.
they are traveling through time because ben turned some dial but if jack gets everyone together and they return to the island everything will be right!?


besides it not making sense, they have started sooooo many tangents and then just dropped them-like they never happened!
it's driving me CRAZY!!! i get mad every time i watch the dumb show-but... i have to watch because what if i miss something...they have a plan right?
(truly, i don't think they do. i think they start over every week)

jack just needs to take a deep breath.
that's all.
i would just feel better if he would breath slow and deep and roll his shoulders a bit-
then he can get back to business!
i could watch the office every night!
it is about the only thing i watch that makes me laugh-
not chuckle, but truly laugh!
what happened with angela?
they seem to have just dropped it.
she was engaged to andy and messing with dwight.
she got caught.
they both dropped her
and now it's over.
like it never happened.
there are no uncomfortable interactions.
no comments.
it's just so un-office-like.


laina kay said...

Don't watch Lost or 24 but I'm definitely an Office lover! They'll get back to the Angela story... they have to... she'll pay... oh, she'll pay! Can't wait!

Traci said...

we are huge fans of lost1 it keeps your mind thinking and then some...

Anonymous said...

We were frustrated with Lost and we stopped watching a couple seasons ago....right after they found "the others" on the island. How can you be on an island and not explore the whole thing to find out if maybe you aren't actually on an island, but just a remote beach off of Florida or somewhere else. I believe that the writers have no idea where the story is going at all until they finish smoking whatever they are smoking. Anyways Lost sounds more annoying than before, so I am glad we aren't watching anymore.

We are enjoying 24 this we have for the previous 6 seasons. I definitely agree that Jack needs to take a moment for himself....and everyone needs to stop reminding him that his wife is dead and that his daughter wants nothing to do with him (of course I am glad that his daughter is out of the picture because she was more annoying than bamboo shoots up my toenails...seriously!! How did she escape the mountain lion again!?!? and how many times could she identify with and fall in "love" with her captors?!?!?).

The Office is still hilarious (i.e. Angela throwing her cat into the ceiling for Oscar to save it during Dwight's fire and then the cat crashing back down through another ceiling tile). I couldn't stop laughing. The Office does seem to drop story lines altogether at the drop of a hat, but I tend to cut comedy sitcoms some slack since I am watching for the laughs and not necessarily for the drama story lines, although I do agree that the whole Angela thing ending way too quickly with no real fallout. Also, the last episode really made Angela look like a psycho who is ready to get off the your cat by licking it...c'mon!!

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

I'm laughing at Conspiracy Theorists comments! I'm enjoying The Office this season as well. I never really followed it before, just caught bits and pieces every now and then. But this season I'm loving it. The Lost is on a channel we don't get on our TV here...? We're going to watch the episodes online when we get some time, but I'm with you, it's all getting MORE confusing!!