Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i'm there

yesterday our house was buzzing
as usual.

no sooner than the boys walked in the door the phone started ringing
and didn't seem to stop.

friends were calling.

some wanted to come play and some wanted to come do homework together
-and then play.

before i knew what was happening my house was full.

thing 1 had his group of friends in his room playing their DS'.

thing 2 was in the playroom completing homework assignments and then playing Wii with his friend.
our dearly loved neighbor girl, who we have been missing,
came to play with thing 3 and thing 4.

usually this crowd is in the yard playing pretty much anything they can that may involve a ball. they tried but were quickly back inside seeking warmth.
i don't blame them-i ran to the mailbox and back yesterday. it was just crisp!

so, as my house was filling up with neighborhood kids i caught myself thinking
"this is what it's going to be like as they get older."
but then i quickly realized,
this is what it is like.
they are older.
my house is full.

i do love it. i want them to have their friends here. i want their friends to enjoy being here.

i just have to keep my eyes up and ignore the messes that can happen.

and, i'm going to have to start preparing larger dinners, as they all want to stay. and i'm going to have to keep my cupboards full of snacks, as boys can eat a lot!

so, i'm there.


Alissa Nicolau said...

Everyone loves your house Shaka. Big, small, young, and old, we all want to play at Shaka's place! You are very lucky and blessed to live in such a fabulous neighborhood for your kids. But the bottom line is that they want to play at your place because of the Mom that you are. You are in tune with your kids needs, wants & desires and have created a home environment which they thrive and love to hang in. Three cheers for Shaka Mom!

Shaka said...

thanks ali!

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could come to visit Shakia's house and see all the "things" just wait until you have teenage boys that are hungry non stop! Love and hugs,

Michelle said...

I hear you! I'm there too and I love it. I want our house to be the fun hang out. At least I'll know where my kids are and that they're safe. Way to be a fun mom!!

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

Hmmm...I think I'll be buzzing through this Christmas for a little food...and maybe some wii! Stock your shelves!

Shaka said...

we can't wait to see you laurel.

laina kay said...

Too fun! Wish we had a neighborhood as fun as yours! Playdates here involve cars and drop-off/pick-up times. Aargh!